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Carry out video chat with a customer 🎞️

Many businesses look for opportunities to have a one-on-one conversations with their customers, if not in person then virtually. One-on-one conversations allow businesses to perform the following kinds of functions among other things.

  1. Close a sale quickly
  2. Up-sell and cross-sell products and services
  3. Provide support

Colligso offers video chat* for one-on-one conversations. Click on the following screencast to find how you can use video chat. 



Start Video Chat

  1. Login to your account from
  2. Select Menu->Customers.
  3. Search the customer you want to video chat with. (Avoid using country code +1 while searching with a mobile number)
  4. Click on Customer ID to bring up customer profile.
  5. Click on Video Chat button to start video chat with the customer. By default, each video chat is time-boxed to 30 minutes.
  6. Join the video chat. 

Join Video Chat

When you (the business person) join a chat with a selected customer, following events take place.

  1. A notification is sent via text (SMS) to the customer informing that you have joined the chat and you are waiting for her/him to join. Notification has an invite link. The invite link will expire after 30 minutes.
  2. Notification also informs that if the customer is unable to join in next few minutes, s/he can reply to the text message with a preferred date time.
  3. Response from the customer is forwarded to the business via email.  


Video Chat is available only to Colligso TextIn customers at this time (May 2023). The feature is in beta so there is no additional cost for using it but please give us a constructive feedback.

Contact Our Team

If you still can't find an answer to what you're looking for, or you have a specific question, open a new ticket and we'd be happy to help!

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