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Change mobile opt-in messages

Mobile Opt-in

For Colligso TextIn, mobile opt-in is enabled by default. When a customer's mobile number is added on a customer management app (on Clover, Poynt, Square, Shopify, Vend, etc. or via integration Zapier, Make, AppyPie, etc.), TextIn sends a text message asking the customer to FOLLOW the merchant's business. Customer can opt-in by responding to this message. This is called Mobile Opt-in as the opt-in is coming from customer's mobile device itself. It is a more reliable indication of the customer's intent. Sometimes this is also called second opt-in. 

mobile opt-in

There are many advantages of this approach.

  1. Merchant's staff does not have to ask customer's to opt-in
  2. Opt-in is provided in writing from customer's own device
  3. This pro-active approach helps the merchant to reach out to customers via Text campaigns with confidence since customers targeted have opted in

Changing the opt-in messages

TextIn pre-configures messages for the mobile opt-in protocol. These are crafted such that they convey the message to the recipient precisely and succinctly regardless of the merchant type. However, you can change these messages as well.  

Follow the steps described below to change the opt-in messages.

  1. Login to your account 
  2. Select Menu->Business->Sites
  3. Select your site and Deactivate it (no need to deactivate campaigns, segments and transmitters)
  4. Click Edit (refresh the page if required)
  5. Scroll down to the Notifications section and check the Mobile Opt-In checkbox if not already checked.
  6. Write your Opt-In Message. Make sure you are asking the customers to opt-in by replying using one of the supported keywords.
    1. Keep it simple. Default text works for most businesses. Default text has the right wordings too. 
      1. Reply YES to follow. Consent not a condition of purchase. Msg&data rates may apply.
    2. If you want to change keyword from YES to one of the supported keywords, feel free to do so. 
    3. Every message sent out by Colligso TextIn includes a footer including instructions to opt-out so you do not need to. The footer would be as following: <Business Name> <Business Phone#> <Business City> Text STOP to stop
  7. Write your Opt-In Response Message. This message will be sent in response to the opt-in confirmation received using the supported keyword.
    1. Hint: Think about rewarding the customer for opting in. Promote your product or service. Also, invite them to visit again.
  8. Save and Activate (no need to activate campaigns, segments and transmitters since those were not deactivated earlier)


mobile opt-in

Opt-in Samples

For opt-in message and opt-in response message, take a look at the samples provided in CTIA's Short Code Monitoring Handbook. TextIn adds instructions to opt-out in every outgoing message so you do not need to. We RECOMMEND using Appendix B as a reference: Sample Compliant Recurring-Messages Program.

See also:

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